Friday, July 27, 2012

The Power of Press Releases

Hi All,

Having written many hundreds of press releases for my own business and for my client's businesses over the years, I thought I'd remind you all about how really powerful they are.

Whilst some small business owners are shelling out hundreds if not thousands of pounds on SEO and PPC, in the hope they will get their websites noticed, I as usual don't pay anything and still get a formidable presence on the first page of Google for whatever search terms I want.

Let me prove it to you...

Recently I joined a forum because forums carry a lot of weight in terms of importance on the internet, especially when it comes to positioning on Google. This is because the content of forums is constantly being updated by its users. User generated content is always fresh and that's like prime real estate in the eyes of the almighty Google.

So, here's what I did. I wanted to get some global exposure for my BusyVids operation so I wrote a press release, and here it is...

UK Based, Small Business Video Marketing Service Set To Go Global

A new video marketing service, capable of generating free website traffic, has just been simultaneously launched in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The video marketing service, currently being offered by BusyVids, has already received rave reviews from many small business owners in the UK, where it was first launched in April, 2011.

This particular video marketing service is designed to generate free website traffic from Youtube and other video sharing sites, and helps to get business websites ranked and listed in Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines. Many of these small business marketing videos are now residing on the first page of Google for their selected keyword phrases.

Video is becoming increasingly important for business, as a means of delivering sales messages, with more than 92 billion video page views each month on Youtube alone. However, this new video service taps into a hidden loophole, which sends free targeted traffic from the video sharing sites directly to the small business owner’s video.

Once there, the video is designed to drive traffic to the business owner’s website. This targeted traffic then helps the video to rank in the search engines, moving it higher in the search engine ranking as it generates more traffic. And so the process goes on creating a continuous loop of free highly targeted traffic.

Almost all of the videos created by BusyVids get to the top of Youtube within 2 or 3 days, and then show in the Google Video search results a few days later, and eventually climb up the general search results. Many of these unique videos have made it into the first page of Google within 24 hours. Some of the videos go viral after a couple of weeks generating even more views and free traffic. It’s an ingenious marketing idea and obviously works extremely well.

Video is the perfect media for getting a marketing message right in front of a potential customer because video is readily accepted by Internet users worldwide, and fits in nicely with social networking sites like Facebook. It’s also perfect for raising brand awareness and for developing a loyal customer base, as many people will actively seek out videos on just about any subject of interest.

This insatiable appetite for online video shows no signs of slowing down any day soon. In fact all indicators suggest it is getting more and more popular with both advertisers and consumers every day.

BusyVids managing director, Bill Knight said, “A business operating online needs to get its sales message, or in this case its website, right in front of people who actually want to see it. It’s more than simply a numbers game, but you do have to go where people congregate in very large numbers or where people will instantly find you. That means Youtube, Facebook and the search engines, especially Google. The videos we create for our clients tick all the boxes. It’s the best form of free advertising anywhere on the Internet.”

The BusyVids video marketing service is currently being offered as a special low-cost advertising option, and is only available to individual business owners, SME’s and entrepreneurs.

A user-friendly and dedicated website has been set up to provide all the relevant information, and which also has several video demonstrations and examples of videos that have already been created. Visit for further details.

Contact Email:

Tel: 01275 837 577

Notice the keywords in the title. This is very important for where I wanted to rank. Now the forum I joined has a free Press Release option for full members so I was quick to make use of it, otherwise I would have used PR Web, but that would have cost me about £90.00. 

Now if you open a Google search page and type in "global video marketing service for small business", without the quotes, you'll see that out of 73 million results my press release is at the top of the page (as of today's date).

It also ranks for quite a few variations of the title. And that's for just one press release I'm showing you. I have several runing all over the internet. So, can you see how incredibly powerful they are? Don't ever underestimate the humble press release for getting your message out there. The secret is not to make your sales message look salesy, instead you have to make it look and read like news.

A well written press release can work for you whether you operate an International business, a national business, a regional business or just a small local business. It could even work for you if you only operated a small shop on your local High Street!

Now to prove that this isn't some kind of fluke or just a stroke of luck, I wrote and released another press release. Here's the title...
News About Video Marketing For Small Business

Now here's your mission should you accept it. Go to Google now, and type in my headline title word for word...  

... see what I mean guys?

I rest my case.

All for now,

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