Tuesday, August 02, 2005

When will I be famous?

When will I be famous? When will people learn that money doesn't necessarily make you famous. It surprises me no end how many people want to be rich and famous. Why do they want that? What's wrong with just getting filthy rich and disappearing from the face of the earth? I mean opting out of society, becoming invisible, becoming someone else.

I get emails and phone calls from clients all over the world. Most want me to make them rich by writing gob-smacking, jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring copy that will hypnotise their customers into transferring their life savings to their very own dodgy offshore bank account. Not only do they expect all this of moi, they want to be famous!

Look guys, if you want to make some seeeerious money, come up with a serious product or service and I'll do my bit to help you. But don't expect me to be your personal manager and don't expect me to give up my precious time, which incidentally is going to cost everyone more because I'm fast becoming the most famous copywriter on the planet, to spend hours talking to you on the phone.

Fame and fortune may well go hand in hand for some, but not for you my friend. Be satisfied with making a good living other than working for some shitty agency or working 25 hours a day in your own gruelling business.

I'm just a humble writer, who writes for a living. Should you come to me and ask if I can help you promote a product or service, online or offline, with my sales letters, I will do all that I can to help. I'll conjure up all kinds of magical marketing methods and startling stealth strategies, which will leave your prospects spellbound. At a price! - The more you pay, the better I get!

But once I'm done with my toil and it has been duly delivered to you, it's down to you to take it by the hand, take it to market and flog it. My part is done. Of course, if you need still further help in making your till ring, I'm available and at your service - At a price!

But please, please don't even consider contacting me, if all you have is a second rate, bottom of the barrel, something stuck on my shoe type of product that you're convinced will make you a shed load of cash...and make you famous.

Anyone else can contact me at bill@knight-writer.co.uk

Let's keep it real.

To see what's real, visit www.knight-writer.co.uk

Bless you all.
