Thursday, December 18, 2008

Viral Marketing Explained

Hi everyone,

Let's take a quick look at viral marketing.

As the name suggests, viral marketing is a way to spread your message, affiliate link or anything else for that matter, all over the Internet. Here's an example of how this works...

So, you have a product to sell. It could be your own product or it could be someone else's, for which you are the affiliate marketer. Basically you want people to click on a link that will take them to a sales page. And again, it could be your own page or that of an affiliate website.

This is what you do...

You write a short report or an ebook of say 10 to 20 pages and throughout the document you place your link or links. At the end of the document you tell your readers that they can give the book away free to their website visitors. You then give the document away absolutely free to anyone who wants it.

Make it easy for people to download the report or ebook and tell them that they can use it as a freebie on their website. Now, they could download a copy, save it and then put it on their web server or they can just place a link to it on their website or in an email.

So here's what happens...

Visitor "A" puts a link to your ebook on his website. He gets 50 visitors a day to his website and so 25 of these visitors also put links to your book on their websites. They also, each get the same amount of traffic and so it goes on and on...

Example: 25x25=625 links back to your product.

In a matter of days your ebook could be circulating like this...

25x25=625 - 625x25=15625 - 15625x25=390,625 - 390625x25=9765625

That's almost 10 million people who have a copy of your ebook and if only 1% clicked on a link within the ebook and bought just one of your products, which sells at $19.95 you would make a cool $1,995,000. That's almost $2 million!

That's the power of viral marketing.

But it gets better!

You wouldn't have to write a single word of your report or ebook. Just get hold of an ebook that comes with Private Label Rights. You can then edit the text, claim to be the author and add all your affiliate links. With PLR you can do what you want with the product.

I'll soon be adding some great products with PLR on the Money Harvest membership website, so look out for them. If you haven't taken up your free membership yet go over and sign up now. You'll get email updates (only if you are a signed-up member), special offers, tutorials, discounted products and tons more.

Existing members should look out for more offers and freebies coming soon.

All for now.

I wish you all a very happy Christmas

Stay warm and well.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Want Traffic? Get Traffic!

Hi all,

One of the pressing problems facing marketers who are new to trading on the Internet is getting traffic. Without traffic there can be no sales, so here are a few ideas.

When any new business is first launched on the Internet, priority must be given to acquiring customers. Without a solid advertising and marketing strategy that new business will never get off the ground.

Every single website owner operating any kind of business on the Internet faces the same single challenge. How to drive traffic to their websites? The answer is to advertise, but what is the most effective means and more importantly what is the most cost-effective way?

Let’s consider the options. Pay Per Click on any search engine is effective but as Google is the top dog, then it stands to reason that if Google attracts more users then this is where you’ll find more prospects and potential customers.

But, as many online marketers have discovered to their detriment, PPC advertising can be the quickest way to go absolutely broke. Although the big advantage is... almost instant traffic. The same effect, although to a lesser extent can be experienced with Yahoo and MSN.

So what else can you do? Well, there’s email marketing but beware, scamsters and shisters and just about every other rip-off merchant going operate freely in this field. Anyone can build an email list very quickly by using ‘email harvesting’ software, then rent or sell the list to unsuspecting marketers.

Desperate for traffic many marketers will gladly hand over their cash for these lists only to find their websites have been taken down or banned for spamming.

Email marketing can be a very useful marketing tool but it’s highly advisable to always use a reputable list broker. Choose one that guarantees delivery of your email and offers some way of tracking results.

Another method of getting your message out there is article marketing. It runs in close parallel with press releases for getting results but costs nothing but a little time.

Basically, you write an interesting article about a subject similar to the product or service you want to promote. You can’t blatantly advertise, so the article has to be skillfully crafted to include benefits and features of your product or service without actually mentioning it.

You are allowed to include a resource box at the end of your article, which will include your name, a bio and a link back to your website. You then submit your article free, to the main directories such as, Article City or Ezine Articles and wait.

The idea is that people looking for free and relevant content for their websites will download your article in its entirety and feature it on their website. Hence you get free promotion. Press releases do very much the same thing.

One of the most effective methods of advertising online today is to find someone who is promoting a similar product or service to yours and who has a large list of subscribers to their newsletter or ezine.

Simply contact the webmaster or business owner and ask if you can place an ad in their publication. Most will be happy to accommodate and even recommend your product or service to their list, for a fee of course.

They might even offer to promote your products to their list and to other similar lists for a percentage of the profits. This is generally known as a joint venture and works well for both parties.

Next, if you have your own product to sell, you might consider setting up an affiliate program. The idea is to get as many people as possible promoting your products all over the internet. Think of it as building a sales team. Each member of your team will make sales for you for a percentage of the sale.

Finally, I should mention viral marketing. (Ooh! Sounds nasty!)

Don't worry it's not a contagious disease, and it can bring in a very healthy profit.

Think I'll leave this one till next time, as I want to cover it in detail.

So... all for now.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Warm Welcome to Money Harvest Members

Hi all,

I was going to set up a completely new blog for all you Money Harvest members, but then I thought... why? I'm writing about business and Internet marketing anyway, so why not just carry on as I am and include you guys.

Well, first of all I would like to welcome all new-comers to my blog.

With the world's economies in such a desperate state, I'm going to be looking at how you can avoid becoming a victim of the recession.

I can vividly remember the last recession during the early nineties, when many of my friends lost their businesses and some lost their homes. This time I think it will be a bit different. The banks don't have quite so much power now, and it appears that the governments are caling the shots.

Moving on...

I'm also in the process of setting up a forum on the Money Harvest website, so you can discuss your situation with others, ask for advice, let us know if you have any good ideas and meet other like-minded people. The forum will be your meeting place but NOT your marketplace. No advertising will be allowed.

Well, all that's to come.

And... I'll soon be adding some more freebies to the Free Products section of the website and some more great special offers.

If there is anything about business and internet marketing or copywriting that you would like me to cover in this blog, just let me know.

All for now...
Back soon.


Friday, November 07, 2008

It's Harvest Time

Hi all,

Okay so it's probably a little late for harvesting if you're working on a farm, but if you're working on the Internet then harvest time can be anytime.

In order to reap a harvest you must first sow some seeds right? So what do you sow on the Internet if you want to harvest a big crop of money?

How about an ebook?

What... a measly little worthless ebook?

Yeah, I know... ebooks are beginning to lose their value and that's only because idiots on ebay are selling like 500 ebooks for $5.

But ebooks still have a place in Internet Marketing. I'm talking about giving ebooks away for free and getting others to pass your ebooks on all over the Internet. I'm talking about viral marketing.

Imagine... You write a short ebook and you put some links to your products and services in the ebook. You then give it away and ask others to use it as a freebie or a bonus on their websites.

That little ebook then becomes a seed, which soon becomes a crop, which you can then harvest.

Here's an example of a simple seed.

And yes... pass it on.

Til next time...


Friday, October 17, 2008

That Was The Week That Was!

Hi all,

Well, what a week this has been!

You know when things are looking a little bleak in the economy, my work schedule doubles. With so many people fearful of the future, finding ways to make money on the Internet has become a number one priority. Of course, if you want to sell something, you need a great sales letter right?

Hence my increase in workload.

But that's not all...

I have also noticed a huge increase in signups for my money-making websites. Last week alone 77 people signed up for:

And almost as many, at 69, signed up for the UK equivalent website at:

But the most impressive, as far as generated income is concerned, are the amount of signups at the real big money-making website,

9 signups at various levels brought in a total of $8,219.00 for one week. So now, my income from my Internet marketing business has reached $25,000 a month.

Now I thought that was pretty good, but then I heard about what my friend Shaun Smith was doing. Shaun is my sponsor at MyInternetBusiness and like me, is also an Internet marketer based in the UK.

While I was feeling pleased with myself about making over $25,000 in 4 weeks, Shaun was making a ton more! For September alone he made $60,000... that's more than twice the amount I made.

Take a look at this short video and see for yourself... Click Here

Well, whichever way you look at it, a good week all round.

If you would like to know more about what Shaun and me are getting up to online. Drop me an email at:

Til next time.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

What's New In Never Never Land?

Hi All,

If any of you are into marketing then you will know just how frustrating it can sometimes be. Despite having success with various products, you will sometimes come up against a whole new totally stubborn market. You know the one I mean... The Bizopp market.

We all know that there are many people out there looking to make money online, but when you offer them the opportunity, they shy away. So what do you do? You try to coerce them and bribe them with freebies. But I think this is the wrong approach. Why?

Because I think all you are doing is creating a whole new race of freebie hunters. They become so accustomed to getting things for free that they don't see the point in buying anything from you. So you really are doing yourself and them an injustice.

Because of all the freebies being thrown around the Internet like confetti, some of your 'prospects' will never buy anything from you or anyone else, and they will never start a business online. They will become inhabitants of the Never Never Land.

So what is the answer?

Beats me!

Anyone got any suggestions?


Saturday, October 04, 2008

Who Wants To Be A Warrior?

*~*~* Wanted! New And Hungry Internet Marketing Warriors! *~*~*

If you have a list of at least 5 potential customers or if you can generate a list, I invite you to come and join me on a journey into the incredible world of wealth and freedom.

The only things you need to bring with you are courage, determination and a burning desire to be rich beyond your wildest imagination. Everything else will be provided including the products, the training, the tools and the support. Make up to $2,000 per sale!

Come take the tour...

This is an ad I have placed in a newsletter. I paid $85 and I will let you know how well it did or didn't ,whatever the case may be.

And here's a five-liner...

*** New Internet Business Opportunity Can Make You Rich ***
Good sales people can make up to $2000 per sale. Plus you
get hundreds of quality products, training, tools and all
the support you need to make it happen. See for yourself:

This ad will be going into an ezine next week.

The campaign goes on.



For copywriting services visit my website

For publishing services visit this website

For all kinds of home based jobs, visit this site if you are in the UK

For all kinds of work at home jobs visit this site

If you want to know about bird flu visit this site

If you like match fishing then visit this site

If you are a lady, you might find this site useful

If you are a fan of Heroes then go here

Who owns all these websites?

I do!

And I own these too...

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Who Else Wants to Build a Multiple Income Stream Business?

Can this really be better than a franchise, better than investments and better than the stockmarket or forex? For the home based business entrepreneur, this must be the ultimate cash-on-demand system.

It's not very often a new system is designed and developed for generating multiple online incomes from a worldwide marketplace. At least one that actually works effectively. It's quite refreshing then to see a business system that has been meticulously planned with a view to standing the test of time.

This is a full-on opportunity fronted by a series of quality information videos, hundreds of products with resell rights and a hugely generous compensation plan. But the most important underlying aspect of the business is the back office.

Here the entrepreneur has access to valuable information about marketing, and how to take the business to the next level, and beyond. Part of the marketing package are impressive opt-in and gateway web pages, which the entrepreneur can link to in order to build a list of prospects.

And there are Professional Business Assistants who are waiting to call up your prospects and convert them into sales. Also, there is a built-in autoresponder email system and guaranteed acceptance with a major payment processing company as standard. The whole system has been very cleverly thought out and very skillfully put together.

And will obviously appeal to the more serious entrepreneur, as opposed to the part-time bizopp seeker.

With the state of the economy at present this might be just what the doctor ordered, as this business certainly appears to offer a real solution to the financial uncertainty, against a backdrop of possiblilty job losses.

And although it's never wise to state what can actually be earned, because this will always be down to the individual's level of experience and effort, on the surface it does look as though it has the potential to generate a substantial income.

There are 5 entry levels but realistcally, only the gold and platinum levels are worth considering if a large return is to be expected. However, it is possible to upgrade to a higher level at any time. If compared to any other business system available on the internet today, this has to be in contention for the top position.

To find out more about this cash-on-demand, multiple income stream system, visit the website and take the tour.

That was a press release I sent out yesterday.

24 hours later... 102 views, 84 visits to my site and 2 platinum level sales.

Earnings generated... $4,000.

Thank you very much!

"I love this business!"

Till later,


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A Free Business?

Hi All,

"A free business?"

Is there any such thing?

Not in my book there isn't.

This morning I get a phone call from some guy in the states, enquiring about MyInternetBusiness. That's the business I was talking about the other day.

So, this guy asks me whether he would have to pay to get involved in this business, right? And I say, "Is George Bush the president?".

He then starts to rant on about why should he pay money to make money blah, blah, blah!

I try to listen while he lets off steam about everyone trying to rip him off on the Internet etc.

When he has finished I said to him, "Look! If you were to buy a franchise it would cost you maybe $50,000, and if you were to start up any kind of traditional business you would have to rent premises, pay for lighting, heating, telephone, stationery and maybe evn employ staff"

I asked him whether he could get a franchise for free or start up any other kind of business for free. He couldn't think of any right there and then he said.

I was just about to tell him why he should expect to pay for quality information about setting up an Internet business, when he hung up... or we got cut off.

Why can't people realise that like everything in life. you get what you pay for. If you pay $37 for an ebook, then that's exactly what you will get... AN EBOOK!

If you pay $3,000 for a mega-cash generating Internet business, guess what? You can expect to get just that!

That's what I did. I paid almost $3,000 for a REAL business, which is making me REAL money right now. In this business I can make up to $2,000 just for one sale. And I also make money from my next level, which I call my lieutenants.

I thought I was doing really well, until I heard that my own sponsor made $20,000 last week.

If anyone knows of a business that can generate that kind of income and doesn't cost anything, let me know right away.

Come on guys... get real.

Go see for yourself...


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Am I Making Money Online?

Hi all,

I got a call out of the blue last night from a guy who said he was a taxi driver, but had tried desperately to find a way to make money on the Internet. As I listened intently, he told me he had tried all kinds of things. "Well like what?" I said.

In broken english he began to tell me...

"Well my fren, I try dat Google Adsense fing, and I try to mekka money from a selling du 'merican guru DVD stuff. An I try affiliate fings like the clickbank, init"

So we had a bit of a trying convesation about money and stuff and he asks, "You're that Bill Knight feller right? So are you making money on the Internet?"

Well, my 'frens', of course I am making money from my copywriting business, but that's not all I do.

As I told the taxi driver guy, I do other things too. In fact I make a lot more money from Internet marketing than I do from my copywriting... Hmm... maybe I should charge more.

So this guy starts to get a bit frantic. He is in his cab and waiting at a taxi rank. Any minute a fare could come by and he would have to terminate the conversation.

He wants to know about what else I do. I tell him to send me an email and I'll email him a link to my special website. Okay he says, what's the email address? So I tell him. So then he wants to know what the website URL is and I say... "Have you got a pen?"

He tells me he has so I tell him the URL, but he didn't hear me properly. Then, just as I am about to repeat it he says... "To the train station? Okay my fren"

And that was the last I heard from him.

So, if you're out there 'my fren' and you still want to know the URL of my special money-making website, get on over to and start baggin' some serious loot!

You're driving days are almost over.



Bill Knight

Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Still Standing

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let you know that I'm still alive and kicking, and that I'll be posting to my blog again very soon. Look out for some very interesting stuff...

Till then,
