Thursday, December 06, 2012

Copywriting For ****heads!

Hi All,

You know, it takes a lot to get me worked up about anything these days. I've certainly mellowed over the years, as you do. But just recently my attention was drawn to a copywriting service being offered by someone claiming to be a... copywriter.

It turns out he was getting "copywriters" from India to write articles and then selling these on as his own for a profit. Now, I don't begrudge anyone trying to make a profit. Making a living these days is hard no doubt about it. But c'mon!

These articles were being written for just $3 a pop and being sold for £25 each!

Wish I'd thought of that! No seriously... these articles were rubbish. I mean bad grammar, poor English, no punctuation and typos everywhere. It made me mad!


Because someone, somewhere was actually buying them and probably using them as content for their websites. 

So What?

Yeah! I asked myself that question... so why was I so bothered?

The people buying and using them probably didn't know any better. They probably speak that way anyway and write that way too, so it would probabaly appear to be good work to them... right?

Yeah... Yeah... but who would buy this crap?

I had to know so I contacted the "copywriter" and I had a serious chat with him. At least it was serious for about 5 minutes because after that I couldn't stop laughing. Boy that made my day....

Turns out he's quite a savvy young marketer and all he was doing was acting as a middleman for his overseas clients. Who just happen to be Chinese.... LMAO!

So, he was getting Indian writers to write articles for the Chinese, who assumed that because he was English, the articles would be okay. And of course they don't know any different.

Good luck to him. Wish I'd thought of that... no seriously :)

For great copy that converts to mega sales contact me first... please!

All for now,
