Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Impressive Video Marketing Stats

Hi All,

As a copywriter I love it when I can include factual stats in my sales copy. It adds real credibility, which is just so important. So, I was looking around the internet in general when I came across some real eye-watering stats relating to video marketing.

Next, I sent out a press release, which was yesterday, from my UKBF account because I wanted these very interesting stats regarding video marketing, and which were from a trusted source, to be known... to be "out there". So here they are...

According to Dr James McQuivey of Forrester Research, one minute of video is equivalent to 1.8 million words in terms of marketing value. That equates to 3600 web pages or about 150 days of actual time spent writing.
It is also reported that 100 million people worldwide watch online videos every single day. And according to ComScore, the online statistics company, the average internet user spends almost 17 minutes a month watching video ads.
It seems people actually enjoy watching video ads as opposed to those who registered a distinct dislike for TV ads. The Online Publishers Association has reported that 80% of internet users could recall watching a video ad on a website they visited in the past 30 days.
Of that 80%, 46% of users took some action after viewing the video ad. 26% looked for more information about the subject of the video, 22% visited the website named in the ad, 15% visited the company represented in the video ad, and 12% purchased the specific product featured in the ad.
ComScore also reported that internet users who visited a website that had video content, spent at least 2 minutes longer on the website than if the site did not have video.
According to Forbes Insight, 59% of senior executives would rather watch a video than read text. About 65% of those who viewed a video clicked through to visit the vendor website, 50% looked for more information and 45% reported that they contacted a vendor after seeing an online video ad. About 50% of those who viewed an online marketing video went on to make a purchase for their business.
The stats are stacking up in favour of video marketing, which seems destined to become the primary method for delivering effective advertising.

Video marketing is going from strength to strength and so are we! Check out our latest promo video, which is gracing our BusyVids websites here.

We've just started using an agency to handle some of our video production enquiries because we just can't cope with them all. They're not all converting to sales but there's so much interest in what we are doing.

Keep you posted!

Bye for now,


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Copywriting and Video... The Challenge

Hi All,

Big apologies for not posting for such a long time. My only excuse is I've been exceptionally busy, which according to my friends and colleagues is phenomenal in this current economic climate.

It appears there are lots of writers, designers and marketers who are really struggling right now, so I guess I shouldn't complain. And hey guys! Things can only get better so hang in there.

Okay, so I've finally got round to updating my copywriting services website, which was beginning to look old and shabby and unloved. I've replaced it with a much more simpler version, which is easier to navigate, and I've removed all traces of duplicate content. Here it is here

But I've also done something else... something no other UK copywriter has done. I've put a handscribe whiteboard video on my website. Well, why not?

I do own a video production and marketing company after all. www.busyvids.co.uk

Those of you who already know, we create screen capture advertising and marketing videos for small business owners in all types of sectors. We also create Powerpoint videos of images or text or both. But now we also create animated sales letters too.

These sales letters are so powerful I can hardly contain my excitement. I always knew that video was the way forward in terms of Internet marketing but animated video sales letters are just the icing on the cake.

This is a whole new and thoroughly entertaining way of communicating with your potential customers. Everyone who has watched my demo said they had to watch it all the way through. Here's the demo here

And in case you haven't seen my new website yet here's the introduction video here

And if you want to see what a video sales letter looks like, here's one I created for a client here

So can you see how my copywriting is now merging with video? That's why I've been so busy!

There's a lot of demand for this service especially from the internet marketers and so not being one to sit on my laurels and not being one to let anyone down or turn away business, I'm working flat out with this. And we have other ideas for our animated sales letters a little later on... keep you posted on that.

I've been writing more video scripts lately than sales letters so I was wondering whether I should change my title to video scribe... what do you think?

Well off to finish another video so catch with you all again very soon... promise.

All for now.


Copywriting Services
Video Services