Monday, May 07, 2012

The Magic Story - Revisited

Hi All,

I was recently asked about how business was going and whether I was feeling the effects of the downturn, recession, depression, austerity measures or whatever you want to call it. It all amounts to the same thing whatever label you put on it. I replied, "well we're ticking over". I consider myself and my close work colleagues to be in a very fortunate position, in that we always seem to have work.

This is probably because we offer so many diverse services to our clients. From copywriting to web design and graphic design to video production and marketing, we are the ultimate one-stop shop for online business services. But that's not all. We also generate income from affiliate programs and product sales too. So all in all I guess we are doing okay. (Although we've lost our Adsense income stream as mentioned in my last post).

So is there something to be learnt here? Yes. Don't just rely on one source of income or one product or even one product range. To survive in this harsh economic climate you have to get out there and find out what people are looking for and what they're buying, and then offer it to them. Sell it cheaper if you have to, package it better, offer free delivery... anything to give you an edge over your competitors. But keep it legal and keep it clean.

Whatever business you are in you should always play by the rules. I mean the unwritten rules, which means never rip off your customers or your suppliers. Don't bullshit anyone and do act with the highest integrity at all times. Yes undercut them, out-sell, out-perform, out-advertise, out-promote and out-do them on everything else but never, ever stoop to low-life tactics. It will always come back and haunt you later... guaranteed!

Okay, now I know that some of my clients are really struggling this year, and I know a couple of them have even decided to throw in the towel. So what I want to say is... whatever your situation right now don't give up.

If you are feeling a little despondent don't despair. To help you get back into the right frame of mind I think you should perhaps read this story. We all need some motivation at times and even though you might have read this story once already I highly recommend you read it again and take in the message. It's very important... here's the link. The Magic Story

Till next time.

All for now,