Thursday, May 12, 2016

It's True... I Am Back!

Yes, after a long lay off from blog writing I'm now back bashing the keys with vigour and excitement. Why? Well there's a lot to catch up on and there's been a few changes around here lately. I'm still copywriting of course and I'm still very much involved with my video production and marketing company, but just about everything else is being wound down.

That means the web design part of the business will be no longer, come the end of this year, although all existing clients will still be able to request new sites and updates etc. There have been a number of reasons for this decision but primarily it's because I want to focus more time to writing my novel. It's a crime thriller with lots of twists and turns and I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a best seller.

At least that's what I'm secretely wishing and hoping for...

I've been writing copy now for almost 30 years and I've also written several marketing ebooks for myself and a few diverse ebooks for some of my clients. For example, I wrote a 400 page ebook about Bird Flu a few years ago, an ebook about Gardening and a self help book based on Spirituaism and Karma. I've also written many reports and whitepapers on numerous subjects.

So, I thought perhaps it was time to write something that a lot of people could enjoy, so here we go. In fact, I've written the first chapter already and there is a long way to go, but I'm committed to finishing this project come what may.

What else has been happeing?

Well, seeing as you asked...
I've been working on quite a bit of web page content writing lately, and just finished a 107 page website. That was quite a slog but also very satisfying. I've also been inundated by many new clients wanting marketing emails. I think I must have written over 100 emails this year already. Email marketing is not easy and I have to be honest with my clients and tell them not to expect too much, especially if they are emailing to a cold list of prospects. Still, it has worked just fine for some and they have managed to pick up some lifetime customers.

On the video front we have been busy creating a lot of tutorial videos. We don't tend to put these on our BusyVids channels because the clients prefer to do that themsleves, which saves us some time anyway. We have also engaged the services of a very talented animator who will be putting together some very funny marketing videos quite soon.

Both websites, and were upgraded last year so that they are more mobile friendly, which is an absolute must these days. They will both undergo another makeover later this year with some new graphics and some more video content.

Okay you're now up to speed so I'll sign off and update this blog next week.

All for now.
