Friday, April 22, 2011

Video Marketing At Last!

Hi all,

As you're probably aware I've been harping on about video marketing for years. However, just over 13 months ago I realised that video marketing was going to be big, I mean BIG! Much BIGGER than I originally thought, so I started experimenting. My self and Dave, my graphics designer looked into what professional video producers were charging for their services, how many clients they were getting and how the finished videos were faring in the search engines and on the video sharing sites.

At the same time we were creating our own videos, in various formats and uploading them to our websites and all the video sharing sites like YouTube and Metacafe etc.

Okay so here are our findings...

Almost all of the really expensive video productions didn't do much better than the cheapy ones we created in terms of popularity and driving traffic to websites.

So, we set about creating the perfect, or near perfect video ad at a price all businesses could afford. But our videos had to perform. I mean they had to get into the search engines and they had to drive traffic to our client's websites, otherwise what would be the point?

We listed a number of parameters and goals, which our videos must achieve and then set about creating all kinds of examples. We opened up 4 YouTube accounts and an account with Tubemogul so we could post our videos all over the Internet.

We tried using various screen capture software and settled for Camtasia as it had the most features and was relatively easy to use. We produced short videos, long videos and powerpoint videos. We used soundtracks on some and no audio on others. On some we used voiceovers and on some we just used text.

We tried promoting CPA products, Clickbank products and our own products and services. We logged everything we did and we tweaked and tested everything. We learned a lot of very interesting stuff along the way, but most of all we finally figured out what worked and what didn't.

During our testing and tweaking YouTube took down 2 of our videos and we received written warnings. One of our accounts was closed down completely for violating YouTube's terms and conditions. So facing a total ban we had to be careful. It was a wise move to create 4 different YT accounts and to use computers with different IP addresses, otherwise we would have been in real trouble.

So, after 13 months of trials, tribulations, late nights, lots of writing, lots of coffee, lots of swearing, drinking laughing, joking and falling asleep at the computer we were certain that we had cracked it.

We bought a great domain name, and .net, .org and the .info variations and Tom, my web design guy created the website with Dave's help. I wrote all the copy and we went to work on getting some clients. That was just about 4 weeks ago now and BusyVids is going from strength to strength.

Our videos do all that we say they do and more.

If you're in any kind of business and you want free traffic to your website and higher ranking for your website in the search engines then a BusyVid video is an absolute "must have".

We have kept the price very affordable because we know that our clients will want more of them when they see how powerful they are. We have created some proof videos and other demos and put them on our website so you can go and watch them. Seriously guys this is amazing and you really should consider having a video created if you want to dominate your market.

Well, that's the story. To read about the service in detail and to see for yourself how it all works, visit our BusyVids website now.

Don't miss this opportunity to make your website earn you a living.

All the best,
