Saturday, July 09, 2005


This has been a week of mixed emotion, not just for me but for the country as a whole. Winning the olympic bid and stuffing the French was very satisfying. Tony Blair hosting the G8 conference at Gleneagles, with Africa and global warming at the top of the agenda was not only noble but indicates genuine concern for others and the future of this fragile planet.

Then, in an instant, came brutal reality.

What kind of a world do we really live in? Answer. Whatever we care to make it.

I don't personally subscribe to any political persuasion, nor do I subscribe to any form of religion. Why? Because both can, and have been the catalyst to the loss of precious human life.

Looking at the world each day, mostly through the eyes of the various media, I'm always aware that I'm fortunate to be able to speak my mind, express my views and choose to live how I want to live. It's called freedom.

I'm also painfully aware that my ancestors, and their ancestors gave up their lives in order to secure and maintain this most coveted of all liberties, for the benefit of their children, and their children's children. They made the ultimate sacrifice. They gave their lives, so we may be free. This is something that should never be forgotten and never, ever be taken for granted.

If you'll just take a brief look into the history of our great nation, you'll find that we were almost always at war with someone sometime. Is it any wonder then, that we have the reputation we do? The stiff upper lip, the stubborn resolve, the 'we will never give up' stance. Of course not. It's in our blood and always will be. Only now, we have learned from our weary battles. But we have never faltered in our beliefs, we have never waivered on the fence, we have never backed out of a fight and we will never give in to anyone, ever. That's why we are Great Britain.

Okay, I know I'm sounding all patriotic, but you probably know why.

It's because a very little irritating gang of murdering bastards, think they can impose their will and idealism on the western world through the bomb and the bullet. Well it's simply not going to happen. Ask the Germans. And they were much more organised and much more tooled up than this bunch of second rate devil worshippers.

Think that's a bit strong?

Okay, I ask you this. What other religion on this beautiful planet advocates killing innocent people in the name of their loving and almighty god?

Answers on a postcard please.

Bill Knight

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