Friday, May 17, 2013

In Business? Don't Hold Back On Marketing

Hi All,

Are you in business? Finding it tough going at the moment? Well, you're not the only one. There are many small business owners right now who are literally living from day to day and from week to week. I get to speak to many of them in the course of my own business, which incidentally has not been left unscathed. Our turnover is down about 15% on this time last year, which was 22% down on the previous year.

You've just to to hang in there guys... but you know something... there is still plenty of money changing hands, and if you want to get your hands on some then you just have to get out of your little box, that you've been hiding in for the last couple of years, and go get some. I'm talking about diversification.

Whatever business you're in there must be something or some way that you can get more work or make more sales. If you are a service provider then look at other related services you can provide and if you sell products, then get on the BOGOF trail and get some new customers. Look guys, selling your products for half the usual price right now is not all that bad. It's certainly better than not selling anything at all... right?

I'm sure the only reason why we, and I mean the Anglox Group, is managing to ride this wave of economic misery is because we offer a diverse range of services. That includes copywriting, video production & marketing, web design & graphic design. Plus lots of other little add-ons and stuff. It keeps us all going and it helps put "bread ont table". We too have cut the prices of some of our product/services. We offer our busyvids video production services at a whopping 30% discount to all UKBF members. That's the UK Business Forum. If you're not a member join now it's free. (

Now, the other bit of advice I'm going to give you guys is about your marketing. I know times are tough and money is tight but if you stop spending on advertising you will definitely not get any customers, at least no new customers. Whatever your circumstances and no matter how bad things appear to be, you must keep marketing your business. 

Otherwise some little upstart is going to come along and carve out a slice of your business and you'll never get it back. If you do get back in later it will have cost you a small fortune, and if you don't you'll simply go under. I'm serious! I've seen many a small business die a slow and painful death because of a lack of marketing. You don't have to spend a fortune, you can do it on the cheap...

If you haven't already, create a Facebook page and open a Twitter account. Pinterest is a good way to get some free traffic. Linkedin is your link with other businesses. Youtube offers unlimited opportunity. Then there's Craigslist and Gumtree for free ads. If you can write then write some articles and post them to with a link back to your website. You can place a "Buy it Now" ad on ebay for just 40 pence a month! Keep getting your message out there, keep plugging away, and don't ever, ever, ever give up. 

Recession? What recession!

All for now!

Copwriting Services
Marketing Videos

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