Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Online Marketing Is Now More Important Than Ever!

Hi All,

I went to a seminar a few months ago, which was all about using the Internet to market your business. There were over 100 small business owners there and I got to rub shoulders with quite a few of them.

For me, it's especially nice to make new contacts in the business world because like many writers, I tend to lead a very solitary existence.

Now what really surprised me was the number of people who didn't quite understand the whole concept of Internet marketing. I mean, hardly any of them had used article marketing and only one or two had even heard of viral and video marketing.

There also seemed to be lots of confusion about social network marketing!!!

During the course of the day it became quite apparent that many of these guys are just far too busy running their businesses to find out about marketing on the likes of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.


Too busy to find out how to make more money online?

Too busy to find out how to get their products and services right in front of their target market audiences?

I couldn't believe what I was hearing... but I could understand how it was happening.

Okay... so many small business owners and entrepreneurs are very busy. But that doesn't mean they should let profitable marketing opportunities pass them by.

Getting your head down and throwing yourself 100% into your business is one thing, but it's just like putting your head in the sand. The problem with this is when you eventually pull your head back out of the sand you just might find that everyone else has moved on 100 miles down the track and are sharing in a feeding frenzy at the green, leafy oasis.

Get my drift? Ignorance is bliss!

After the seminar was over I started thinking about these guys and I wondered how many more there were just like them... in the UK... in the US... everywhere!

What they needed, I thought, was a whole marketing toolkit that they could study and use whenever they had the time. A kind of portable, self-educational, marketing masterclass. They needed to know about every type of online marketing method, technique, strategy and formula and how they could apply it to their particular businesses.

So, I rounded up my colleagues at Anglox Publications and got them all working on a project to compile the most comprehensive training package ever. I mean a complete A-Z of Internet marketing, suitable for every type of business that has a website and wants to promote any kind of products or services.

The result?

The eMarketing Toolkit

It comprises over 1 gigabyte of data and comes on 2 quality CD recordings, which can be mailed out to anywhere in the world.

I could go on and on about it here in my blog, but I've written a sales letter, which explains everything in detail so...

If you live in the UK go here: MarketingUK

And if you live in the US and anywhere else. go here: MarketingUS

The reason there are 2 websites is because there is an affiliate program for both UK and US affiliates. And apart from a couple of minor differences, the sales letters are virtually the same for both. You'll find the affiliate links at the bottom of the page.

The product pre-launch was very well received and I'm glad I've been able to help the many small business owners who wouldn't otherwise have this information to hand.

Well that's all for now.

Back soon.


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